Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing

Quantum networking is a game-changing technology being pursued by many foreign entities, as it will provide for tamper-proof and tamper-evident communications.

Quantum networking is a game-changing technology being pursued by many foreign entities, as it will provide for tamper-proof and tamper-evident communications.

Trapped ions and superconducting qubits are ideal candidates to achieve this goal. Technergetics is developing a trapped ion quantum communications system to achieve peerless security for the United States Airforce. We are currently working towards demonstrating ion-photon entanglement within a laboratory setting, which we will then expand to entangling ions in separate traps – or network nodes.

Secure Communication

Entangling ions in separate traps - or network nodes, allows for unhackable communication protocols, and one of the most useful applications of the technology.

Ion Trapping, Scalable Systems

Our primary focus is to support the efforts to develop scalable and robust trapped ion systems for the long term goal of a full scale quantum communication network.

Speed & Stability

Recent efforts are investigating transduction between superconducting qubits and trapped ions in order to utilize both the fast processing time and vast infrastructure of superconducting qubits, and the long memories of trapped ions.

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